Benefits of Pre-Poo on Natural Hair Wash Day

Have you ever tried to wash an unsoaked pot? Especially if it’s been drying out for a day? It’s nasty, messy, downright wasteful. The additional time, soap and water you waste reminds you quickly that soaking is a MUST.
Consider that this also happens to your hair and scalp. Sweat, sebum build up, dirt and grime inevitably hang on in between washes. Now think of washing off weeks, maybe months of this - expecting only soap and water to 100% clean, detangle and clarify sounds like a lot to expect. This is one of the reasons prepoo - the process of applying a treatment before shampoo - has become recently popular in haircare.
Prepoo has been found helpful in:
- protecting hair follicles from dryness
- detangling and preventing breakages
- moisture addition
- restoring oil balance
- improving shine and manageability
Whether you rock locs, natural or treated hair, there is a DIY treatment out there for you! Apple cider vinegar and baking soda are popular treatments for locs, oats and coconut milk for dry scalp, aloe and honey for hydration… the possibilities are endless.
My favorite prepoo treatment combines Deep Conditioning Black Magic Hair Mask, honey, glycerin, water and a dash of Black Magic Hair oil (link to the video). Even after 5 weeks in between washes, my pre-pood hair was tangle-free, lathered well and easily.
Happy wash day!